Wednesday, June 9, 2010

People are Not Smart!

So the primary's were yesterday. Pathetic. Another case where we get to choose the biggest looser. Needless to say I am ashamed of my fellow man. Though there was a silver lining.

Meg Whitman won the Republican primary, but even her website did not explain what her position was on anything. So Proud.

Sandra Hutchins continues her reign as our Sheriff, so welcome to Los Angeles Sheriff of Orange County. The most common phrase I hear is "Orange County is NOT L. A. County...." yet when they vote, they seem okay with being L.A. County.

The silver lining - Klein lost the Judge vote. This was a wonderful consolation prize, though no-one will ever know it.... I will not explain, so do not ask, let's just say I am not a fan.

I do not have a solution, but people need to learn a little about who and what they are voting for if the world will ever improve.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why I hate people

As I sit here in my office preparing to rant to the wide, wide world of trolls it occurs to me that people are a huge disappointment. I get along just fine, but it seems that when I attempt to crest the boundary between getting along and something more permanent in real friendship, I am left wanting.

What happened. Is it just me that feels friends are the family that you make, not the one you are born into and thus so much more valuable? In total I can count on one had the number of friends I have and I fear that number is about to decrease by one. I am sick with pain. I do not know what is the right solution. I have simply surrendered to the will of the universe and attempted to let the friendship evolve into what it will be, but it is killing me inside. I do not know if it is better to deal with the pain of a close friend not being as close, but still a friend, or speaking my mind a the risk of loosing a friend forever.........

I hate people.

I am an A-hole American

So I was talking with a friend today (IM'ing actually, I cannot believe that has finally entered my mind as "talking") and it occurred to me that writing is cathartic. On a logical level I know this, however I have always been so critical of my own work that I never get to the point of publishing anything. I simply edit it away into the ether. So here I am.

A couple of warnings. I am an Asshole American. You may not understand this right now, but believe me when I tell you, I am. Being American is something you are. It cannot be helped. I could have tempered it if I were in a position (mentally or financially) to be a world traveler, I am not. And I am an Asshole. I say this because I am a logical thinker and a passionate speaker trapped in one mind. I have the ability to be empathetic and cold at the same time. I do not care what you think, I can promise, I am right. I can only hope I am alive long enough to be proven so.