Friday, November 19, 2010

STFU about Tax Cut whining

I am suprised that I am suprised about people, still. I will admit that I did not understand, at first, why we would have any reason to give tax breaks to the wealthiest of us in a bad economy. I mean, I could really use a break, as could everyone I know. This is a common theme both for politicians and their constituants, but noone is explaining why it is so important.

Statistical Economic models for Macro Economics have shown time and time again that job growth and investing (the kind we need now to allow growth in the small business / startup sector) are directly related to how much wealth the top 2% are able to use. Tax cuts have been shown over and over again to provide a huge boon to the job market during a downturn. Tax cuts really have nothing to do with the rich becoming richer, but in encouraging people who control how many employees work somewhere or how much money to invest (or even if to invest) in a company to do so. Right now we are seeing investors hold their capitol in reserve because they are concerned about the fed's decision to not renew tax cuts and it may no longer be advantageous for them to invest as strongly as before. This is not about triggering consumer spending, but encouraging the very people (and companies) that have the largest cash reserves in the history of man to put it back into the economy.

I would love a tax cut, everyone enjoys a stimulus check - but statistically we do not invest. We spend our extra money on consumer goods. Quickly. So our spending equals more seasonal retail employees and goods from China (good for China) not more economic expansion, more long term jobs, and no sustained job growth.

If this is too much for you, or you do not agree, but lack the education to make a logical argument, please keep your comments to yourselves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Men do not have uncomfortable silences.

So I am again shocked and amazed (not about the election, which will be a different post.) I am amazed at the ignorance of my fellow man, and I do mean MAN, male, human, idiot.

See, even if you are not a believer in Darwin evolution, you have to understand that behavior and societal evolution has occurred. Evolution is nothing difficult or strange, but rather a process whereby change occurs in a system over a long period of time. Evolution also has the wonderful effect of defining rules in behavior in the system that has evolved. Regardless of your stance on Human Evolution from a "lower" life form you must understand that even Religion contains evidence of Evolution as a society. We started as Hunter/Gatherer's and have evolved to the technology age where we are owner/operators. What does this have to do with my shock and awe you ask? Let me tell you.....

Men and Women are different. Oh, stop. I am not saying that... Ok, maybe I am. There is nothing that a man can do that a woman can not (except maybe figure out the remote control) however our ability to do something does not change the way men and women think is different.

Take this for example. Men are you constantly surprised when your woman gets upset when you try to fix things? When she is complaining about stuff and you give her ideas to resolve the situation? Women, are you confused as to why your man does not understand that you just want to talk to him? Why does he feel the need to always fix things? Evolution.

This all started some 20,000 years ago (12,000 for you christians) when we crawled from the muck and matter and began organizing into groups of people for survival. When that happened the women (who were naturally smaller and made for the birthing) did much of the gathering and the men (who were built with dense muscle and fast, fast legs) did the hunting. Now this is the important part.

Gathering is a naturally social activity. It is boring and the plants do not mind if you make noise, so women would talk. It was natural. They would talk about their husbands and share the gossip of the village with each other. Soon that became their role. Talk. It is very hard to function as a productive society with no communication so the women took that on as their role. News is gossip - deal with it, accept it and grow.

Why not the men? Why do the women need to be the gossips? Hunting is not a naturally communication based activity. Animals will not let you kill them if you are chatty. Men would spend days and days in a blind, they would spend this time inches from other men, and the entire time they would not speak.

Men do not have uncomfortable silences. That is the invention of a women's mind. When a Man is comfortable he is quiet. When a man is chatty he is generally nervous. It is a defense mechanism for us. When we are quiet we are happy, content and available to achieve our primary directive - kill food, feed family. If we are chatty we are trying to warn the animals that there is a human here, we do not taste good and go away.

Women HAVE uncomfortable silences. When a woman is silent there is a problem. It is a female defense mechanism. She is scared and trying not to be noticed by the predator (human or animal) and so she goes quiet and still. Not to say a woman is not dangerous. A man will use all his skill to protect his family, a woman will use her everything. A man will throw a spear, a woman, herself claws extended and will not stop until her babies are safe again.

These are evolutionary differences. When a woman speaks about other women you have no role at all men. You are a sounding board. Your desired response is something like "That Bitch, well, you were right Honey, I do not care what she said." Nothing else. Not "You should unfriend her" not "She may have had a point", not "I'll take care of it" nothing other than "you were right Honey." If she talks to you about a husband of a friend of hers, that is different, and difficult. In the village example it would have been your job to talk to your friend about the issue with his wife and straighten it out. Maybe straighten him out if he was wrong. This is the difficult part. We are our evolutionary makeup, but modern society has us thinking that talking to your wife's friend's husband would not be cool. Like somehow it is a secret and you would be breaking some commandment by not talking to him. Fuck that. It has been your job for 12,000 years, so do it. Or think for a second and ask yourself, if I was him would I want to know?

There was an interesting study done in the UK that had to do with Pilots. See the most expensive and thus valuable resource in the modern military is the Fighter Pilot. It is estimated that it costs the military more than $2 million to train a fighter pilot and the equipment can be in the $100's of millions, so it behooves the military to keep them alive as long as possible.

So the military began to do some research into the primary cause of crashes and they found that it was mostly related to pilot error. In most cases there was even a trouble or warning light that the pilot ignored that led to the eventual crash of the plane. Now you need to understand at this point that 100% of the pilots are men. Zero women pilots.

The military was dumbfounded, so they placed some pilots into simulators with brain wave scanners connected so they could see what areas of the brain are effected and find a solution. What they found was that the part of the brain that triggered cognitive action was not triggered by either the lights or warning sounds when there was an issue with the aircraft. Interesting....

So they came up with a solution. Voice commands. No looking around for the issue, they would have a voice explain the trouble command. They sampled voices and came up with the ideal solution. A sexy English woman's voice. Mmmmm that accent whispering sweet nothings in my ear makes me want to enlist right now..... And guess what they found? You got it.... it was worse.

Worse you say? How? I would listen... no you would not. Remember the "sweet nothings" part of my above statement? Read it again. Okay - you with me? That is the important part. What they found was before with the lights and noise the pilots did not recognize the problem in time, what was happening now what they NEVER recognized there was a problem. The cognitive portion of the brain was NEVER activated and the crashed occured more often (thank God for simulator tests.) In a panic they rerecorded the voice of a DI (drill instructor) and tried it. Instantly the problem went away.

I do not mean they responded like with the lights and siren, I mean the late notice issue went away immediately and completely with the strong male voice issuing commands. Why? Evolution.

Remember I said that men did not talk on these long hunting trips? Well that is not completely true. There was one moment when silence did not rule the day. Trouble. MOVE! DUCK! JUMP! LION! TIGER! BEAR! YOU IDIOT! Issuing commands for the purpose of saving a member of the tribe was spoken. Loudly. Not in a nice way. And men responded. The result was exactly as desired, less injury and death. 12,000 years of yelling, 12,000 years of saving lives. The part of our brain that holds our animal instincts wakes up when we hear that voice commanding us to act. We act BEFORE the cognitive portion of our brain is able to issue commands. When it is a woman's voice the brain is dark.

Time for more tests. It would appear that the 12,000 years of men listening to women talk simply to be heard had an interesting side effect. We loved the sound of your voice. Loved it. Would do things to be able to hear it if we found it to be sexy (think the pilot's above), but it was all the same. Sweet Nothings. The woman's voice did not awaken the cognitive portion of the brain any more than the sound of traffic outside. For all intents and purposes - men could not hear it. This was the best part. The English spent all this time and money researching only to come to the conclusion all women know - men just do not listen. Only it had one benefit. Our brains evolved to the point where we did not have a choice. We do not hear you when you speak.

That's it. Take aways: Women talk to be listened to, Men talk because there is a problem that needs to be fixed. Women, sorry but science tells us that over the last 12,000 years we have listened to so much of your crap that our brains will not take in any more and we can no longer hear you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

People are Not Smart!

So the primary's were yesterday. Pathetic. Another case where we get to choose the biggest looser. Needless to say I am ashamed of my fellow man. Though there was a silver lining.

Meg Whitman won the Republican primary, but even her website did not explain what her position was on anything. So Proud.

Sandra Hutchins continues her reign as our Sheriff, so welcome to Los Angeles Sheriff of Orange County. The most common phrase I hear is "Orange County is NOT L. A. County...." yet when they vote, they seem okay with being L.A. County.

The silver lining - Klein lost the Judge vote. This was a wonderful consolation prize, though no-one will ever know it.... I will not explain, so do not ask, let's just say I am not a fan.

I do not have a solution, but people need to learn a little about who and what they are voting for if the world will ever improve.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why I hate people

As I sit here in my office preparing to rant to the wide, wide world of trolls it occurs to me that people are a huge disappointment. I get along just fine, but it seems that when I attempt to crest the boundary between getting along and something more permanent in real friendship, I am left wanting.

What happened. Is it just me that feels friends are the family that you make, not the one you are born into and thus so much more valuable? In total I can count on one had the number of friends I have and I fear that number is about to decrease by one. I am sick with pain. I do not know what is the right solution. I have simply surrendered to the will of the universe and attempted to let the friendship evolve into what it will be, but it is killing me inside. I do not know if it is better to deal with the pain of a close friend not being as close, but still a friend, or speaking my mind a the risk of loosing a friend forever.........

I hate people.

I am an A-hole American

So I was talking with a friend today (IM'ing actually, I cannot believe that has finally entered my mind as "talking") and it occurred to me that writing is cathartic. On a logical level I know this, however I have always been so critical of my own work that I never get to the point of publishing anything. I simply edit it away into the ether. So here I am.

A couple of warnings. I am an Asshole American. You may not understand this right now, but believe me when I tell you, I am. Being American is something you are. It cannot be helped. I could have tempered it if I were in a position (mentally or financially) to be a world traveler, I am not. And I am an Asshole. I say this because I am a logical thinker and a passionate speaker trapped in one mind. I have the ability to be empathetic and cold at the same time. I do not care what you think, I can promise, I am right. I can only hope I am alive long enough to be proven so.